Product Performance
The attractive properties of nano materials in terms of structure, photoelectricity and chemical properties have attracted the physicists, materials scientists and chemists. After the concept of nanomaterials was formed in the early 1980s, great attention was paid to the materials in the world. It has a unique physical and chemical properties, so that people realize that its development may bring new opportunities to the physics, chemistry, materials, biology, medicine and other subjects. As the large specific surface area, multi surface active center of the nanoparticles, so it is an excellent catalytic materials. Making ordinary iron, cobalt, nickel, palladium, platinum and other metal catalysts into nanoparticles can greatly improve the catalytic effect. In the petrochemical industry using nano-catalytic materials can improve the efficiency of the reactor, structure, value-added, yield and quality of products.
Application of Ni2O3 Powder:
3. Nano Ni2O3 powder is the occurrence of oxygen agent, electroplating, ferrite materials.
4. Light absorption material. Because of nanometer Ni2O3 powder on the optical absorption spectrum light selectively absorb, such materials in optical switch, optical computing, optical signal processing and other fields has its application value.In porous anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template was about 60 mu m long, outer diameter of about 200 nm nickelic oxide nanotubes, its light absorption bandwidth than simple large crystal nickelic oxide is narrow, so as to show better selectivity of light absorption properties.