

目前显示的是 二月, 2021的博文

Endotoxin Challenge Vials (Endotoxin Indicator)

The  Endotoxin Challenge Vial   (ECV,Endotoxin Indicator) is used in the validation of dry heat depyrogenation cycles. Endotoxin Challenge Vials are placed in the cold spots of the dry heat oven. After cycle completion, the log reduction in endotoxin levels can be determined by comparing the endotoxin levels in the baked vs non-baked control Endotoxin Indicators. The Endotoxin Challenge vials are designed to indicate a minimum 3-log reduction in endotoxin content when tested using gel clot, kinetic turbidimetric or chromogenic Lyophilized Amebocyte Lysate assays. Endotoxin Challenge Vial contains 1000-10000EU Endotoxin. ECV1250V and ECV2500V are sealed in vials with heat resistant stoppers and labels, which could be placed in dry-heat oven or dry-heat tunnel without removal of stoppers and caps(lid). Validation of dry heat sterilization cycle(s)  is required by ANSI, AAMI, ISO, USP and the FDA to ensure that all items that are required to be sterile orpyrog...

Where to Buy USP Grade pure nicotine to produce e-liquid?

  Hubei Heno Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. is a factory specializing in the production of pure nicotine . Excellence in our product: Our products are made in EnShi , the mysterious latitude 30 degrees across the entire Enshi , is one of China's four major tobacco production base, the hometown of Chinese tobacco, it was entitled "tobacco kingdom" , Our factory is the only one tobacco waste processing unit in HuBei province ,and our factory is one of the most professional manufactures of pure nicotine in china . We are the only manufacturer of raw materials processed into nicotine products. Our pure nicotine can reach 99.99% colorless ,complies with USP standard ,and authorized test report and certification . Excellence in our service: Customer service is something that directs the way we do business. We understand in this high tech world we live in, customer service becomes very impersonal, we know each contact is with an individual Person and pride our...

Do you know pure pure nicotine?

  What is pure pure nicotine ? Pure pure nicotine  is an organic compound naturally present in tobacco leaves. It is the primary psychoactive substance in tobacco. Tobacco can be smoked, chewed or snuffed to consume the pure nicotine  that it contains. Native Americans had already been smoking tobacco plants for thousands of years when Christopher Columbus and his troops discovered America. Pure pure nicotine  owes its name to Ambassador Nicot who popularised tobacco by introducing it to the Europe court around 1560. The term pure nicotine  only made its first appearance in 1823 when two scientists, Posselt and Reimann, extracted pure nicotine  from tobacco during their in-depth studies on the plant. The many studies conducted on pure nicotine  since that time have highlighted its importance in tobacco addiction. Predominantly found in tobacco leaves, the substance can also be found in small amounts in some plants such as tomatoes and...

Do you think nicotine-free e-cigarettes safe?

  The question may be strange for experimented vapers but it seems to be a matter of concern for most beginners or with a limited experience in this domain. Is the nicotine-free e-cigarette dangerous or a matter of concern? The first thing to consider to correctly answer this question is the context in which vaping is established: here, we are interested in the context of tobacco harm-reduction. Tobacco harm reduction As you can read, “harm-reduction” suggests that the personal vaporizer/electr onic cigarette is not harmless and will probably never be. The Professor Riccardo Polosa is used to mention that “breathing pure mountain air is surely the safer for your health”. Nevertheless, public health professionals who got interested in the e-cigarette agreed to present it as a safer, a less dangerous product compared to the combusted tobacco present in cigarettes; from a relative point of view . And even if a consensus on the level of harm-reduction is still not achi...

Public health experts: Tobacco harm reduction is the future of pure nicotine

  Public health experts: Tobacco harm reduction is the future of pure nicotine Blue Hole New Consumer Report, January 5 news, according to foreign news reports, Jonathan Foulds, professor of public health science and psychiatry and co-director of the Center for Tobacco and Health Research at Pennsylvania State University, was at the Global Tobacco and Nicotine Forum (GTNF) In the previous speech, he said that nicotine is addictive. Most people who smoked 60 cigarettes will become daily smokers. Middle-aged smokers have an average of 20 serious quit attempts. In addition, after deciding to quit smoking, ordinary smokers still have a 95% chance of smoking a year later. Even if they consult and use FDA-approved smoking cessation drugs, they still have an 80% chance of smoking again within a year. Foulds said people smoke because of the psychological effects of nicotine, but inhaling combustible tobacco can have health effects. In order to reduce the harm of nicotine c...

What’s the nicotine ?

  Nicotine is a chemical compound that is present in tobacco. When tobacco is smoked, nicotine is absorbed through the wall lining of the small air sacs in the lungs. When sniffed or chewed, it is absorbed through the mucous membranes of the nose or mouth. Nicotine can also be absorbed through the skin. Regardless of how nicotine is absorbed, it enters the bloodstream where it circulates throughout the body and travels to the brain where it crosses the blood-brain barrier. Once in the brain, it binds to and activates receptors called the cholinergic receptors. These cholinergic receptors are present in the brain as well as in other areas such as the muscles, heart, adrenal glands and other vital organs. Normally, these receptors are activated by the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which is produced at nerve endings in the brain and in the nerves of the peripheral nervous system. The actions of acetylcholine help to maintain healthy respiration, heart function, mus...

The Difference between Tobacco derived Nicotine and Synthetic Nicotine

  As you may or may not know, nicotine is the mildly stimulating molecule that we become addicted to when we smoke cigarettes. While high concentrations of nicotine can be found in tobacco (8 – 14%), the addictive alkaloid can also be found in some other unsuspecting items from the Nightshade family of plants, albeit at much lower levels. Common food items such as tomato, potato, green pepper, and aubergine, as well as the leaves of the coca plant all contain traces of nicotine within them. Though it may be a common misconception, in small quantities, ni cotine doesn’t present any untoward dangers to your health. It’s the burning of tobacco materials and the thousands of carcinogenic materials and carbon monoxide that is released into your body every time you smoke, that is the real killer. While nicotine might be the thing that gets you hooked to smoking, there are safer ways to consume it. By switching from smoking to vaping, carbon monoxide and tar are eliminated...