2 5C-NBOH is better Blotter paper. We can produce different dosages of paper according to your requirement, and you can tell our sell which pattern you want use. 25C-NBOH (also known as 2C-C-NBOH and NBOH-2CC) is novel synthetic psychedelic substance of the phenethylamine chemical class that produces an array of visually-dominant and stimulating psychedelic effects when administered. It is a closely related analog of 25B-NBOMe and is reported to share most of its properties with the exception of a moderately reduced potency and a shorter duration. Feature: Dosage: 100-1000μg Use:Anything you want to do. Size: 15 Tags X 15 Tags Paper: 225 Tags We will make blotting paper according to your requirements. Have a nice shopping www.universaldrugslab.com
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