

目前显示的是 十月, 2018的博文

Carbendazim is the effective fungicides for preventing and controlling diseases caused by fungi in a variety of crops

Agrochemical Carbendazim is also known as weilin, benzimidazole No.44. Carbendazim is a broad-spectrum fungicide, which is effective in preventing and controlling diseases caused by fungi (such as semisyngium, polyascomycetes) in a variety of crops. It can be used for leaf spray, seed treatment and soil treatment.It can effectively prevent and control various crop diseases caused by fungi, which are widely used in China, but its residues can cause liver diseases and chromosomal aberrations and are toxic to mammals. Pharmaceutical properties: Refinement of white crystalline solid, melting point 302 ℃ ~ 307 ℃ (decomposition), density 1. 45 glcm3 (20 ℃).29 MGLL 24 ℃ solubility: water (PH4), dimethyl formamide 5 g/L, slightly soluble in the organic solvents.Below 50 ℃ for at least 2 years of stability.In alkaline solution, the decomposition was slow, accelerated with the increase of pH, and lost activity with the decrease of pH, with 7 as the benchmark.A soluble salt is stable in acids...

Ultra-high density semiconductor type single-walled carbon nanotube horizontal array

ChinaPeking Universitycooperate with Chinese Academy of Sciencesto use ethanol / methanebychemical vapor deposition method to get ultrahigh-density semiconductor array level of  single-walled carbon nanotube . Nowadays, as electronic devices become smaller and smaller, silicon transistors have reached the bottleneck of their development. The horizontal array ofsingle-walled carbon nanotubesis regarded as the most powerful successor of future transistors due to its excellent performance. At present, obtaining high-purity, high-density horizontal arrays of single-walled carbon nanotubes is a major challenge for researchers. Although the direct formation of horizontal arrays ofsingle-walled carbon nanotubeson a substrate by chemical vapor deposition is an effective method for realizing high-performance electronic devices, conventional chemical vapor deposition is extremely active due to the generated methane plasma and ultra-high temperature hydrogen atoms....

Why is Fe3O4 magnetic and how is magnetic generated?

Ferric oxide Nanopowder  is a crystal, and its internal molecules are arranged in a regular manner, and the molecular current orientation is uniform, resulting in magnetic properties. When the magnet is brought close to the ferromagnetic substance, it is magnetically affected by the magnet, and the internal molecular current of the ferromagnetic substance tends to be regularly oriented and magnetic, and the process is called magnetization. It has been proved by research that  Fe3O4  is an iron (III) acid salt, namely FeIIFeIII [FeIIIO4]. Black crystals, density 5.18 g / cm3. Magnetic, so it is also called magnetic iron oxide. The humidified ferroferric oxide is easily oxidized into iron oxide in the air. Do not dissolve in water, soluble in acid. Used as a pigment and polish. Magnetic iron oxide is used to make audio tapes and telecommunication equipment. It is prepared by reacting red hot iron with steam. Because it is magnetic, also known as magnetic iron oxide. Ha...

Acetamiprid is one of the safety Insecticide for agriculture

Insecticide acetamiprid  is an organic compound with the chemical formula C10H11ClN4. It is an odorless neonicotinoid insecticide produced under the trade names Assail, and Chipco by Aventis CropSciences. It is systemic and intended to control sucking insects (Lepidoptera, Thysanoptera, Hemiptera, mainly aphids) on crops such as leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, pome fruits, grapes, cotton, cole crops, and ornamental plants. It is also a key pesticide in commercial cherry farming due to its effectiveness against the larvae of the cherry fruit fly. Insecticide acetamiprid  is an insecticide belonging to the chloropyridinyl neonicotinoids, this family of insecticides was introduced in the early 1990s. This compound is an insecticide that is introduced for controlling pests, but also for domestic use to control fleas on cats and dogs. Mechanism of action: Insecticide acetamiprid  is a nicotine-like substance and reacts to the body in a similar way as nicotine. Nicotine is a n...

Application range of Fe3O4 iron oxide nanoparticles

When the size of the nano-ferric oxide particles is reduced to the nanometer order, due to the small size effect, surface effect, quantum size effect and macroscopic quantum tunneling effect of the nanoparticles, it has a special difference from the conventional bulk materials. Magnetic properties. This also makes it have special applications in the fields of industry, biomedicine and so on. 1.Magnetic recording material One of the most important uses of Fe3O4 magnetic particles is to make magnetic recording materials. Due to its small size, the Fe3O4 iron oxide nanoparticles have a magnetic structure from multi-domain to single-domain, and have a very high coercive force. The magnetic recording material can greatly improve the signal-to-noise ratio and improve the image quality. It is also possible to achieve a high density of information records. Nano-sized triiron tetroxide particles must have high coercivity and magnetization, small size, corrosion resistance, friction resist...

The application of graphene materials in medical applications

Known as the "king of new materials", Graphene nanoparticles not only attracts the attention of the society in the fields of electronic products, new energy batteries, and aerospace, but is also regarded as the key to the next medical transformation in the medical field. Recently, the research team at the University of Olomouc in the Czech Republic announced the use of graphene to develop the world's smallest metal magnet, which can be used in many fields such as magnetic resonance imaging, water treatment, biochemistry and electronics. In view of the larger surface area, biocompatibility, and chemical stability of graphene, graphene is highly expected in terms of drug delivery, cancer treatment, and biosensing. In vitro detection Biosensing is a new technology that is developing rapidly. In medical applications, the use of graphene as a sensor for in vitro detection is an important research and application direction. "Now, the research on graphene in the medic...

Different applications of carbon nanotubes in electronics

1.Lithium battery The development of conductive materials is one of the elements in the development of new energy. Carbon nanotubes can be used to improve the electrical conductivity of electrode materials, and the improvement of the conductivity of electrode materials (anode and cathode) is important for improving energy storage performance. Carbon nanotubes have very good electrical conductivity, and at the same time have a very high aspect ratio. Adding carbon nanotubes to the electrode material can effectively from a conductive network to enhance the conductivity of the electrode and store more electricity. At the same time, the use of graphene addition can form a more efficient conductive network composite, which is applied to high energy density batteries for consumer products, EV batteries with long life requirements, energy storage with capacity and capacity density, power battery, ultra high/low temperature performance, etc. 2.Ultra capacitor Carbon nanotubes and graphen...

Fipronil is one of the most widely used insecticide in the world

Fipronil products  is a broad-spectrum insecticide that belongs to the phenylpyrazole chemical family. it disrupts the insect central nervous system by blocking GABA-gated chloride channels and glutamate-gated chloride (GluCl) channels. This causes hyperexcitation of contaminated insects' nerves and muscles. It's specificity towards insects is believed to be due to its greater affinity to the GABA receptor in insects relative to mammals and its effect on GluCl channels, which do not exist in mammals. Because of its effectiveness on a large number of pests,  Fipronil products  is used as the active ingredient in flea control products for pets and home roach traps as well as field pest control for corn, golf courses, and commercial turf. Its widespread use makes its specific effects the subject of considerable attention. This includes ongoing observations on possible off-target harm to humans or ecosystems as well as the monitoring of resistance development. Use: Under the ...

Glyphosate has become the best-selling product in the Insecticide market.

Agrochemical Herbicide Glyphosate  is an active chemical in many widely used herbicides, and its use in the European Union is strictly regulated. Glyphosate is not directly related to gm crops, and non-gm crops are treated with the same herbicide glyphosate. The European food safety authority (EFSA) and eu member states have completed a reassessment of the herbicide glyphosate,They report that glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer in humans,Some new safety measures to control glyphosate residue in food are also proposed. According to the world health organization's international cancer institute (IARC) classification,From the perspective of carcinogenicity alone, drinking glyphosate water solution is safer than sun exposure, drinking wine, five cereals, salted fish and other foods we often eat. The IARC has no right to decide whether glyphosate can be used safely, as determined by agencies such as the us environmental protection agency and the German risk assessment institute of t...