

目前显示的是 七月, 2018的博文

Colombia to use drones to fumigate coca leaf with herbicide

Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos on Tuesday authorized the use of drones to fumigate coca leaves at low altitude using the herbicide glyphosate as part of the Andean nation’s battle to eliminate the plant’s use in cocaine production. Glyphosate is a key ingredient in the world’s most widely used herbicide, Roundup, produced by Monsanto Co. Our company Anhui Sinotech Industrial Co.,Ltd has more than ten years in production and trading Glyphosate. It is our best-sell herbicide produts. It include four formulation 95%TC,62%IPA,480G/L SL,75.7%SP. Translocated herbicide Glyphosate 41% SL (Glyphosate 480g/l SL, Glyphosate 360g/l SL) that may be applied preplant or preemergence to over 150 crops for control of annual and perennial weeds, woody brush, and trees. Use post directed in tree and plantation crops, postemergence over Roundup* Ready soybeans, and postharvest in fallow periods and noncropland. For annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in plantation and other cro...

Why Cypermethrin become so popular in Middle East countries

Cypermethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid used as an insecticide in large-scale commercial agricultural applications as well as in consumer products for domestic purposes. It behaves as a fast-acting neurotoxin in insects. It is easily degraded on soil and plants but can be effective for weeks when applied to indoor inert surfaces. Exposure to sunlight, water and oxygen will accelerate its decomposition. Cypermethrin is highly toxic to fish, bees and aquatic insects, according to the National Pesticides Telecommunications Network (NPTN). It is found in many household ant and cockroach killers, including Raid and ant chalk. Our company Anhui sinotech Industrial Co.,Ltd has more than ten years experience in manufacture and trading Glyphosate.The main specification is 92%-95%TC,5%EC and so on. Cypermethrin has been widely used in agriculture,its' main application includes: 1. Control of a wide range of chewing and sucking insects (particularly Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Hemipte...

Glyphosate has been widely used all over the world

Glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide and crop desiccant. It is an organophosphorus compound, specifically a phosphonate. It is used to kill weeds, especially annual broadleaf weeds and grasses that compete with crops. It was discovered to be an herbicide by Monsanto chemist John E. Franz in 1970.Monsanto brought it to market for agricultural use in 1974 under the trade name Roundup, and Monsanto's last commercially relevant United States patent expired in 2000. Our company Anhui sinotech Industrial Co.,Ltd has more than ten years experience in manufacture and trading Glyphosate.The main specification is 95%TC,62%IPA,480G/L SL,75.7%SP ans so on. Glyphosate has been widely used in modern agriculture.It main application is: Mode of action Non-selective systemic herbicide, absorbed by the foliage, with rapid translocation throughout the plant. Inactivated on contact with soil. Uses Control of annual and perennial grasses and broad-leave...

Argentina may ban dichlorvos and trichlorfon

Argentina’s National Service of Health and Food Quality (Senasa) concluded the period of consultation for the proclamation of the resolution that bans the use of dichlorvos (2,2-chlorovinyl-dimethyl phosphate) and trichlorfon during the stages of post-harvest, manipulation, stowage, grain storage and application on facilities, deposit treatment, round-houses or empty warehouses of vehicle transport or stored tobacco. The fundamentals of the project pointed out that there was a complaint from Japan regarding the maximum limit of dichlorvos to be used on sorghum and corn shipments. The same complaint regarding wheat came from Brazil. In fact, the sunflower oil export from Argentina to the European Union reduced because of the restriction this market imposes on the presence of dichlorvos. The resolution was very punctilious regarding the reasons for which these two were banned, including that exporters and associations have been, in fact, requesting the measure. One of the most relevant...